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Content Review – Issue no. 6 - December 2005


Interview to Charles Bernstein.
By Romina Freschi
Interview to Charles Bernstein, American poet who founded L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E magazine in the ´70.

Mantras refuse. Notes and sketch about albino dissemination.
By Rafael Cippolini
Memories of the mythical Cuban magazine, around José Lezama Lima, Orígenes, through Lorenzo García Vega.

Topless (Cuqui & Lulú).
By Gabriela Bejerman
Crossing of two writers who don’t know each other: Cuqui and Lulú.

Un-secret file, Manuel Puig’s letters. Review and interview to Carlos Puig.
By Elizabeth Neira
We talked to con Carlos Puig, Manuel’s brother and his work’s guard.

Art for art’s sake. Four eyes see more than two. Review and interview to Julia Sarachu.
By Romina Freschi
We talked witht Julia Sarachu about her novel Cuatro ojos ven más que dos.

Interactive column edited by Eduardo Zabala through an open invitation that encourages the public to write the description of people with name and signature.

Book Reviews:

LA ESCALERA by Nicolás Fernández Vicente
By Mercedes Escardó

CELESTE PERFECTO by Roberta Iannamico
By Julieta Lerman

PRELUDIO AL SILENCIO by Roberto Picciotto
By Lucía Mondino

LOS MUSLOS SOBRE LA GRAMA by Miguel Ángel Zapata
By Oscar Hahn

Poetry at the end of the world
By Luciano Lamberti

Editing in the 2000’s. Chat with editors
By Carla Alanis


Subscribers’ and advertisers’ system

Collaborators and participants data

In honour of the article by César Aira published in the first issue, the magazine includes a flipbook in its own pages. In this issue, with the illustration of a butterfly: new illustration that will accompany the logo of the magazine from now on.